All articles by daniel flatt

daniel flatt

We need banks to collaborate, not just tell us it’s important

Banks know they must partner with peers to tackle climate change, so why don’t we have better ways to see if they are?

Why decentralising is key to a resilient energy system

The energy transition isn’t just about building more renewables – investors also need to help make the move to a smarter, more flexible power grid.

S&P’s ESG score call is not the victory the anti-ESG brigade think it is

Getting rid of trivial ESG scores may prove the best thing that’s happened to the development of credit ratings… and sustainability.

How Coutts should have handled Nigel Farage

Given how badly NatWest Group managed Nigel Farage, will other banks react hastily when applying their ESG values with clients?

Don’t turn net zero into a political football

For the sake of winning a few votes, the UK’s political leaders could derail its net-zero commitments. Nobody wins if this proves the case.

The UK’s dwindling leadership on climate exposed

For a government obsessed by talking up ‘delivery’, progress in reducing emissions is stalling with little sign of policy progress.

Why the Wood Group green loan must be scrutinised further

Is Wood Group guilty of greenwashing? Maybe. But it looks more like an example of inadequate financing terms as set out by UKEF.

Climate litigation spooks shareholders (but not by much)

Little has been known on the impact of climate litigation on carbon majors, until a recent analysis now suggests they’re likely to take a hit.

Why we must tolerate ESG rating divergence for now

Anxious about market instability and a loss of confidence, it’s reasonable to want ESG ratings to be regulated like credit. But we’re not ready to do so.

US: Climate and lobbying high on proxy investor agendas

As we head to US voting season, tackling climate change and corporate lobbying activity account for four in ten proxy shareholder proposals.