All articles by ellizabeth meager

ellizabeth meager

Climate transition plans: Asset owners face uphill climb

Corporate transition plans are now front and centre of the UK’s climate policy. But with little formal guidance as to what makes one credible, there is a huge onus on investors to separate the wheat from the chaff.

How investors should engage with polluting SOEs

State-owned enterprises are responsible for more global emissions than their private sector counterparts, yet most investors shun the former. Those that do work with government companies talk about how they do it.

Renewables at risk from Mexico reforms but lawsuits planned

Critics say the nationalist policy will reduce access to and investment in renewable energy, and harm the emissions-cutting plans of companies – both foreign and domestic – with operations in Mexico.

Why SEC climate disclosure plan is a “game changer”

In its eagerly awaited climate reporting proposals, the US’s Securities and Exchange Commission’s focus on governance and assurance is groundbreaking, despite the lack of media attention.

Analysis: the SFDR funds exposed to gas and nuclear

The number of funds under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation with exposure to natural gas and nuclear investments has been falling. But it could well now rise after the EU classified the two fuels as sustainable transition activities under its new taxonomy.

Gazprom: UK customers face challenges to break ties

Contract law puts businesses and councils trying to do the right thing in a sticky spot: they must face high fees, the cost of a new contract and a potential breach of procurement law – or be seen as financing war.

What companies fleeing Russia are failing to consider

The response of foreign corporates and governments to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been unprecedented in speed and scope, so much so that companies may not be making sufficient contingency plans.

Russia sanctions: What governments must weigh up

There are various reasons why governments have been wary of imposing sanctions on Russia, and they do not only concern energy security. The swift and unprecedented ramp-up of measures is clearly biting, but it comes with broader consequences, including legal ones.

What makes a sustainable finance hub successful?  

Cities the world over are competing fiercely for green capital flows, touting benefits from listing incentives to carbon markets. The effectiveness of such efforts are unclear, but in any case there may be enough business to go around. 

How government and corporate net-zero plans correlate

Data compiled by Capital Monitor reveals a distinct link between strong government policy on net zero and companies headquartered within the same jurisdictions. Australia, however, bucks this trend…