All articles by ellizabeth meager

ellizabeth meager

Cop26: Does it matter who attends?

The stakes are higher than ever for the upcoming UN climate talks in Glasgow to deliver results on policy promises, but the absence of key players has tempered expectations. Still, there are positive signs of progress from the world of business and finance.

How outdated trade agreements are undermining climate progress

Decades-old rules reinforce the status quo on trade and keep the odds stacked against renewable energy – and there appears little interest in changing them. Key bodies like the World Trade Organization need to act fast, say experts.

“Hypocritical” EU fuel subsidies “may derail” climate goals

Members of the European Parliament voted at the end of September to extend natural gas subsidies until 2027. Critics are slamming the decision, adding to pressure on governments to end support for fossil fuels. But even progressives acknowledge the tricky decisions involved.

Exclusive: Sweden’s financial markets minister on leading by green example

The Nordic country is a pioneer in carbon taxation and a leader in green bond issuance. Åsa Lindhagen speaks to Capital Monitor about the country’s green policies and fostering sustainable development.

Climate risk: UK execs may be individually accountable

Frameworks such as the UK’s Senior Managers & Certification Regime may be adapted – and expanded to sectors beyond financial services – to put company directors on the hook for climate-related commitments.

Investors ramp up push for global carbon tax

Climate disclosure does not change corporate behaviour fast enough and time is running out, executives from Invesco and two influential investment associations said at a Capital Monitor event. They argued that a carbon tax is needed to prompt a fundamental market shift.

Ripe for a backlash? Net-zero pledges fuel growing scepticism

Net-zero emission pledges are under growing scrutiny from investors amid worries over the gaming of carbon reporting. Governments are facing rising pressure to ensure accountability for such commitments.

DWS probes signal stark new reality for ESG funds

The investigations by US and German financial watchdogs into $1trn asset manager DWS reflect a general tightening of regulatory criteria for funds labelled as ESG or sustainable.

Are the SDGs fit for purpose?

Thousands of companies say they report against or otherwise align themselves with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. But where are these high-level targets failing and what more can businesses and policymakers do to help achieve them?

No bite: Lack of net-zero accountability puts onus on investors

One-fifth – and counting – of the world’s largest companies have committed to achieve net-zero carbon emissions, largely by 2050. But there is no legal or regulatory recourse if they don’t, and seemingly little appetite for that to change.