All articles by ellizabeth meager

ellizabeth meager

The policy wish list to avoid climate catastrophe

The IPCC’s latest report is unequivocal: humans are warming the planet. With Cop26 looming, everyone is clear that rapid policy action is required to mobilise trillions of public and private finance to reverse the damage done. We outline what policies they are.

IPCC warning adds urgency to calls for global carbon pricing

Investors are increasingly joining the IMF, OECD and World Bank in pushing for a global system for carbon pricing. Implementing it remains politically problematic, but the ever-louder alarm bells over climate change are raising hopes it could happen.

Time to adapt fiduciary duties for sustainable investing?

The debate over how the fiduciary duty to seek the best returns affects ESG investing – and whether it should do – has intensified lately, with prices of both sustainable assets and many ‘dirty’ investments soaring.

Calls get louder for SFDR overhaul as EU fails to provide clarity

Asset managers are labelling more funds as ‘sustainable’ amid accusations of regulator-mandated greenwashing, even as the European Commission’s SFDR update last week did little to clear up confusion over product classification.

How an obscure energy treaty is delaying climate action 

The Energy Charter Treaty, which gives oil and gas companies a route to suing governments, is increasingly hindering climate policy reform, say campaigners. And it is not the only agreement of its type.

Policymakers under intense pressure to put a price on biodiversity

For natural resources such as air, water and soil to be regulated, there needs to be a way of valuing them. Governments are grappling with this issue as investors focus increasingly on SDG 15: Life on Land.

Hong Kong and Singapore principles-based ESG policies reflect region’s vast challenges

Asia’s two main finance hubs are moving quickly to adopt global best practice on sustainable finance. They recognise policy certainty in this area is necessary to drive investment into companies, particularly given the region’s distinct characteristics.

Jury out on EU’s “ambitious” new green finance strategy

Industry participants welcome aspects of the EU’s proposals – which were leaked last week and are due for official release tomorrow – but question, given the political landscape, whether they will materialise. Tackling greenwashing remains contentious.

Is SFDR failing? Eight in ten ‘sustainable’ funds in Europe hold fossil fuel stocks

With many classified funds containing questionable stocks, the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation is upsetting asset managers who feel their focus on impact is being undermined as a result.

Is ESG reporting clarity within reach as standard-setters merge?

With the June joining of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board and the International Integrated Reporting Council, the head of the combined entity argues that more agreement on ESG reporting standards is getting closer, but regulation is needed.