All articles by ellizabeth meager

ellizabeth meager

Investors must take Shell court ruling more seriously, experts warn

The oil giant was told to accelerate its emissions cuts, at least partly for human rights reasons. Despite a muted response from investors, experts say the order reflects the rising risks for fossil fuel producers and the ramifications will be widespread.

Britain urged to step up on sustainable impact measures

The head of the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF) is calling on the government to put its money where its mouth is on green initiatives, starting with reversing cuts to international aid.

New Mifid rules risk damaging trust in ESG funds, experts fear

European proposals on ESG fund distribution are sparking worries about mis-selling, market fragmentation and, as a result, potentially reduced flows into such products.

Naming and shaming helps narrow the UK’s gender pay gap

Regulations forcing British companies to disclose details of their gender pay gaps are having a positive impact, but some lobby groups feel they should go further.

“Half-baked” EU rules raise greenwashing risks for sustainable funds

A lack of technical guidance on Europe’s SFDR legislation has left asset managers to fill in the gaps, leading to confusion and serious risks of both greenwashing and market fragmentation.

Climate litigators turn up the heat on Big Oil

Energy majors face a rising number of US lawsuits arguing that they knew about fossil fuels’ negative environmental impact for decades but sought to conceal the facts.

Big US firms back Biden’s mandatory climate disclosure plans

Momentum is gathering behind President Joe Biden’s environmental push, which includes a proposal for corporate climate disclosure. It will add a burden for companies, but the environmental risk of inaction could be a lot higher.

Time to toughen up the UK’s failing modern slavery policy

With an estimated 25 million people in forced labour, hundreds of companies should be identifying human rights abuses every year, yet very few do. Shamefully, investors don’t apply enough pressure, while existing regulations lack bite.

When central banks started to care about climate change

A new network of influential bankers has been extraordinarily successful in moving climate change risk management higher up the agenda. We spoke to its secretariat head and Banque de France official Morgan Després on how they did it.

Leaked EC proposal sets high bar for sustainability reporting

The European Commission wants to compel around 50,000 companies to report across a range of ESG factors. Investors, banks and NGOs are broadly aligned, but reservations exist.