All articles by Polly Bindman
Exclusive: How banks are filling ESG job roles
While banks prefer to hire former bankers for ESG jobs, there is a strong demand for individuals with sector-specific, non-financial backgrounds, Capital Monitor analysis reveals.
Why Science-Based Targets are no substitution for coal policies
Science-Based Targets are a vital starting point for a company’s transition plan, but the inclusion of high-emitting coal companies on the initiative’s approval list presents problems for investors forming policies around them.
Renewable energy: Why institutional investors are finally bullish
With many asset owners historically reticent, and some unable, to invest in the renewable energy market, has 2021 proved a turning point for institutional investor appetite in this crucial asset class?
Why passively managed assets escape fossil fuel policies
Passive investing has been posed as a threat to the planet – but how far does the data support these claims?
Why gender lens investing is struggling to make an impact
Recently criticised for failing to deliver returns above their peer group, gender lens funds are under immense scrutiny to up their game. And while legitimate concerns exist about how they are marketed, the lack of suitable companies remains a serious problem.
Shareholder resolutions surge, but impact in doubt
The year to date has seen record-breaking support for shareholder resolutions, with asset managers such as BlackRock and Vanguard stepping up their stewardship. However, a lack of data on the real-world impact means the jury is still out on their efficacy.
Lack of coal policy leaves asset managers behind net-zero curve
Despite coal’s influence on global warming, less than half of the world’s largest asset managers have an investment policy in place for it, according to non-profit organisation Reclaim Finance.
How green are ESG sovereign bond ETFs?
Capital Monitor analysis of government ESG bond ETF funds offers a sobering picture of a lack of diversity, limited aspiration and questionable attempts to create investment programmes with real-world impact.
Sovereign bound
Investors’ exposure to government bonds from countries associated with human rights violations highlights the limitations of shareholder engagement. We take a look at how BlackRock and Vanguard handle this issue.
No more oil and gas? How insurers are responding (or not) to the IEA’s landmark report
Capital Monitor asked 22 top insurers for their position on the recent IEA report calling for an immediate cessation to investing in and building new oil and gas projects. Only seven responded with answers but none were prepared to make firm commitments.