All articles by vibeka mair

vibeka mair

How Sweden’s AP4 pension fund cuts emissions

The $56bn state pension system buffer fund is on track to hit its ambitious net-zero portfolio emissions targets, but faces tracking error challenges down the line. Capital Monitor spoke to the lead manager of its global equity portfolio.

How pension funds AP2 and Calstrs drive gender equality

Asset owners can have a big impact in addressing the shortfall of women in the investment management industry and the wider corporate world, and some are steadily ramping up their efforts to do so. Here’s how…

Impact investors strive to tackle the education funding gap

The world faces a stark skills shortage, particularly in emerging markets, which has been exacerbated by Covid-19. But some institutions are working to develop opportunities for attracting more capital into education, as impact investment gains momentum.

Analysis: How impact investing and measurement strategies vary  

Capital Monitor looks at how investors report against the Operating Principles for Impact Management, uncovering differences in approach between some of the biggest asset managers among the 152 signatories.

Prospects gloomy for education investment in emerging markets

Education in developing nations attracts relatively little capital from the private sector or even development institutions. That needs to change fast to address an annual funding gap projected to hit $200bn thanks to Covid-19, but the signs are not encouraging.

New ESG standards on securities lending welcomed after falling-out

After a split, two groups recently launched separate ESG-focused guidance on securities lending, while the US SEC plans to make the practice less opaque and help assess its effect on shareholder voting. Investors hope the moves will make the business more sustainable and transparent.

Big hitters urge governments to step up on blended finance

Capital flows into emerging markets are falling well short of what will be needed to achieve net-zero emissions or other key sustainability goals, say several new reports. The likes of Günther Thallinger of Allianz and Philippe Zaouati of Mirova are calling on governments to pull their weight.

Drive to standardise impact measurement gathers momentum

Under pressure from the financial sector, the EU, G7 and other influential bodies are ramping up the push to achieve consistent measurement and reporting of sustainability impact amid concerns that separate initiatives are hindering this goal.

How securities lending is responding to ESG-related scrutiny

The lucrative business of securities lending – often criticised for lacking transparency and not being aligned with long-term responsible investment – is in the spotlight more than ever. But ESG-related standards are being developed for the industry.

Danish pension funds fast ramping up green investment

AkademikerPension, ATP and PensionDanmark are increasingly heavily focused on green investing but take different approaches to renewable energy and high-carbon assets, and to climate transition in general.