All articles by Vibeka Mair

Vibeka Mair

Investor voting rights battle heats up

This fight for investor voting rights is heating up with UK and US asset owners flexing their muscles in order to gain ground.

Oregon’s state treasurer on the US anti-ESG backlash

As anti-ESG sweeps the US in Republican states, their Democratic counterparts are fighting back.

Exclusive: Investment consultancy exits net-zero alliance

US-based Meketa is leaving the Net Zero Investment Consultants Initiative (NZICI), the latest in a series of blows to Mark Carney’s grand vision.

Supranationals lack climate transition plans, says top Aviva exec

The private sector is pressured to outline climate transition plans, but supranationals aren’t practising what they preach.

US corporate DC pensions’ carbon intensity 124x that of sponsor firms

Landmark analysis of the carbon emissions of 38 US corporate defined-contribution pension schemes, to be released today, aims to encourage companies to assess the climate impact of their retirement fund portfolios and cash deposits.

Just transition: Why investors need to collaborate on standards

A growing number of financial institutions are working to address the lack of a common investing framework for achieving a just transition, raising concerns over fragmentation of such initiatives.

Why the energy crisis is triggering an investment rethink

For more than a decade, thought-leaders have urged diversified investors to factor in systemic risk into their portfolio. Could the energy crisis be the trigger?

How investors are tackling tax avoidance

Following a landmark OECD agreement to limit tax avoidance, transparency looks set to rise up the investor agenda.

Climate Investment Coalition lures US pensions, plans EM push

The Climate Investment Coalition, a public-private initiative led by Danish pension funds, is building its network of asset owners and eyeing a bigger focus on emerging market assets. But its leaders have concerns over capital commitments in light of rising geopolitical risks.

How listed equity funds seek to achieve impact

Listed equity funds face scepticism as to whether they can have positive impact. Capital Monitor looks at the approach of the five biggest.