All articles by virginia furness

virginia furness

Exclusive: Race to Zero to respond to Gfanz banks’ protests

After banks in the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (Gfanz) complained that the UN Race to Zero campaign set them unrealistic targets without consultation, Race to Zero is seeking to diffuse tensions. But there is scepticism over the lenders’ claims.

Climate adaptation: Funds work to address financing obstacles

Investment firms are working to deliver finance for climate adaptation and resilience by overcoming challenges such as the lack of common impact metrics, perceived lower returns and highly localised projects.

The reasons why Icma won’t label transition bonds

Market participants are still seeking guidance on transition debt instruments and increasingly turning to sustainability-linked bonds. Development in this area appears more likely to come from clearer direction on corporate transition plans than a labelled transition product.

UK banks “can’t hit net zero” without green mortgages

Banks must green millions of residential mortgages to meet net-zero ambitions, but low take-up and insipid product incentives make this hard.

Cop27: What’s on the agenda for Africa?

How can Africa tap the capital it needs to fulfil its demand for energy while remaining aligned with global net-zero goals? Capital Monitor speaks to Bogolo Kenewendo of the UN Climate Champions initiative and Khalid Hamza of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

Which big fossil fuel banks provide the most sustainable finance?

Capital Monitor analysed banks’ levels of fossil fuel finance versus sustainable lending, and compared fees earned from green and fossil fuel bond deals against fossil fuel policy scores, unveiling some interesting findings.

Cop27: How Egypt’s biggest banks are going green

With Egypt hosting Cop27 in November, four of the country’s largest lenders discuss how they are racing to chart their climate impact and scale up sustainable finance. In many cases they are aiming to achieve in months what has taken years for many banks in developed countries.

Cop27: Egypt’s entrepreneurs target sustainable development

As Sharm El Sheikh gets set to host Cop27, Capital Monitor talks to firms in Egypt working on impact projects in areas such as farming and microfinance.

Are sustainability-linked bonds suitable for nature finance?

As Uruguay plans a sustainability-linked bond with nature-based targets and the International Capital Market Association launches key performance indicators for biodiversity, some bankers question whether such instruments make sense for financing nature conservation or restoration.

Nature funds stagnate amid impact-washing worries

Asset managers are ahead of banks in their efforts to drive capital into biodiversity-focused investments in what is a nascent market. But a clear definition of ‘nature-positive’ is lacking, raising concerns over potential greenwashing.