White Papers

Sustainable Heroes: Green Leaders in Focus 3

This magazine intends to showcase our sustainable heroes and heroines by celebrating their achievements and providing key insights into how …

Designing Climate Benchmarks to Produce Positive Outcomes: A Framework for Passive and Active Investors

Investors are increasingly integrating sustainability into their investment process. This has supported a growing interest in sustainable benchmarks for both …

The Link from Climate to Financial Risk

Climate change is giving rise to fierce new forms of financial risk. It represents both a systemic threat to prevailing …

City Government Green Bond Guide: What You Need To Know

For local government treasury departments keen to learn more about how they raise public capital to support their net-zero ambitions, …

Sustainable transition: pushing ahead, with more complexity

Throughout spring 2022, BlackRock Portfolio Consulting partnered with ~170 investors across Europe (Private Banks, Retail Banks, and Asset Managers) for …